Renzi is an indigenous, Italian ::visionary:: visual artist and body painter that specializes in ancestral, spiritual conceptualizations of this experience we call life and all its mysteries. She is intrinsically inspired by her cultural roots (individually and collectively) and intuitively integrates that into her artworks. Her mediums for creating include (but are not limited to): digital, acrylics, oils, watercolors, gouache, gel pens, fine ink, and the human canvas. Renzi has live painted at numerous music and art festivals (including the NEON Festival 2022-23, Secret Dreams and more) along her journey of expressing visual truths. She has also created three murals in her hometown of Virginia Beach within the ViBe District. To invoke a reflection in another being through the lens of creativity is an ineffable celebration to her spirit.
Check out Renzi’s work in the links below: