Molly Chopin is a painter and art educator whose work explores the intersection of science and spirituality, and the healing and evolutionary modalities that are born from this intersection. She hand paints visions on canvases and walls to inspire Love, healing, and resilience, and to provide viewers with visual and energetic ARTifacts of what they find to be meaningful. Working mainly with acrylics and a combination of direct and indirect painting methods, she builds up layers of color, light, and geometric patterns to convey invisible energies that surround and are expressed by living matter. In doing so, she invites viewers to reflect upon aspects of reality that are usually beyond what is perceived through their eyes, and to invoke within them a Remembrance of the spiritual nature of existence. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and at festivals all over the southeastern United States, and she primarily creates from her home studio in Raleigh, North Carolina. In addition to offering original and commissioned paintings, she sells printed reproductions of her work, paints murals, does live performance painting, offers creative consultations and workshops, and is a conductor of the Vision Train, @visiontrain a globally connected art community that emerged in 2020.

Check out Molly’s work at the links below: