Katie Randall is an artist, community organizer, wellness practitioner and teacher of Natural Time. Her work centers around the multi-disciplinary ways in which we heal and thrive in community, living in symbiosis with the natural world. As a Medicine Woman who has trained and studied in shamanic practices from around the world and through her own lineage, she merges art with mental health as a portal to expanding our consciousness. Through the teachings of Natural Time, our natural rhythm reveals itself to us, offering a tangible way for us to fully embody what we came to this planet to create together. By changing our mind set from Time is Money to Time is Art through embodied knowledge, we discover the subtle ways we are co-creating our lives. The key is to inner stand our relationship with time, and from that vantage point, there is nothing we can’t create. Katie currently resides in New Mexico, spending much of her time communing with nature, teaching and curating community events.