Christopher Harrington is a world leading breath-work guide, cold water therapist, and meditation teacher. After living years meditating everyday with monks in a yoga ashram and training with some of the worlds leading meditators.

Christopher’s most popular therapy is the DMT/Alkaline breath-work and ice bath workshops, where he guides us through 20 minutes of the worlds most powerful breathing exercises, activating deeper parts of the brain than people who have meditated for years. Then Chris will guide use in an optional 2 minute ice bath. The endless physical and mental health benefits of cold water are backed by science, including stronger immunity, healthier skin, weight loss, alleviating depression and anxiety, and boosting overall well-being and happiness. Christopher combines the breathing and cold water therapy to provide a safe, practical, and effective way to increase overall health and happiness, and the increased ability to calm the mind, achieve meditative states easier and connect with your natural joy 🙂

He recently spent a week with Wim Hoff at his house in Holland, soaking up every bit of knowledge he could so that he could bring it back to his clients in Mexico and the U.S.

Christopher will be sharing ice baths at FlowJam this year as an add-on workshop. Please sign-up ahead of time to ensure your attendance. Limited space available

INSTAGRAM: @chrisharringtoncfh