Carly Shields is a 200-hour registered yoga teacher and owner of RVA Yoga Hang. She teaches a fluid and fun style of vinyasa she likes to call the Vinyasa Party. Set to upbeat music curated for the flow, she weaves deep stretching and focused breathwork with strength-building and heart-pumping movement. Rooted in the rich history of the practice, but reapplied to the modern moment, it’s spiritual with a side of silly; flow, with a little funk. It’s just a (yoga) party, baby! All are welcome! (Be advised that some music may contain expletives.)

Carly is also an based author whose mission is to make the world a happier place. In her forthcoming book No, Yes Please! Tell Me How to Live My Life, she outlines 10 Dos and 10 Don’ts for leading a happy life, achieving one’s goals, and being in service to others. She self-published The Happiness Workbook in January 2024 and plans to release No, Yes later this year. Her weekly hang, dubbed the Vinyasa Party, is dedicated to bringing her worlds together through The Happiness Yoga Series.


I will bring a really fun and unique style of yoga that isn’t too serious and is perfect for this setting! My yoga classes are upbeat and fluid with a side of quirkiness and hilarity. I often combine my happiness work with dharma talks throughout the class, offering students more than just asana to carry off their mat. I have a dedicated following of 1700+ on IG and a newsletter with 100+ recipients. My yoga hangs consistently sell out so I am certain that my followers would be interested in purchasing tickets to Flowjam.

Also, being part of the live music industry, I understand the delicate and fast-paced festival environment. I run events on Brown’s Island in Richmond so will be able to perfectly curate a workshop great for the outdoors and music connection. I have ties to many of the artists on the line up and would love to explore bringing musicians in for a live music flow. I apologize for the late application but I know that my addition to this event would be beneficial for you. I also have a studio network of hundreds of students who would be interested in knowing that I am teaching there.