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Meredith Walsh

Meredith Walsh

Producer & Founder

I help powerful entrepreneurs who have big hearts and larger than life visions to make a huge impact on this planet by getting profitable and attracting their ideal clients, without getting stuck in ‘hustle’ or ‘grind’ mode. I have scaled FlowJam festival from a baby backyard one night gathering, to what it is today, a 4-day Healing Arts Festival that transforms lives. I’m passionate about mentoring entrepreneurs who are ready to step into their greatness, and the version of them who has sovereignty over their time and money. I believe the world needs more creative solutions (to everything), and entrepreneurs are the ones fearless enough to go against societal rules, and take the necessary risks to create something greater. Life is about living your purpose with passion, WITHOUT stress or fear, and I help my clients live fearless and get profitable. Want to connect about getting your business more profitable online or supporting our efforts with FlowJam? Connect with me on Facebook