Jessa Lin is a Cosmic Channel, Shamanic & Akashic Arts Practitioner, and Guide to the Unseen Realms, supporting others in activating and connecting to their inner knowing – allowing them to remember they are their own best healer and guide. With her guidance and support, she invites others to return to their connection to Mother Earth, higher dimensions, as well as reawaken their spiritual gifts. Her mission is to return people to their soul sovereignty and the pure essence of their inner truth. The goal of her ‘work’ is to empower individuals to reconnect with the Divinity within so they may honor their vision and unique purpose in life. She believes through the expression and connection of Self we can harmonize, unify, and amplify the world. Through collaboration, community, and trust we heal and amplify our relationships with each other and Mother Earth based on respect, unity, love, trust, reciprocity, and prosperity for all beings. 

Through a combination of her own unique soul gifts, intuitive channeling, subconscious reprogramming, mindset, movement, the Akashic field and shamanic practices she helps you clear your channel and get fully aligned in a way that creates epic shifts, breakthroughs, and establish sustainable, long-lasting remembrance from within.

Learn more about Jessa Lin on her social channels or website – you can find her at or on IG @theonlyjessalinrose.