Healing artist, living on the edge of curiosity, feet connected to the earth, etc.. Love teaching in spaces like Flow Jam, marinating in that creative energy together, tapping into all the layers, allowing whatever is supposed to unfold, just be.

As a life purpose enthusiast, still as curious as I was as a child, I know evolving is inevitable to grow. My traveling yogi nature has had me constantly learning, dabbling in all kinds of holistic practices for most my life & guiding others for almost 30 years. When our heart and mind find alignment, it opens gateways that raise the vibration on the planet, so we all hold space in ways for humanity and healing.

In the home stretch with a project, living between VA and NC now, now birthing a retreat house that will be opening in June 2023. We created and built intentional, intimate spaces. We are happy to dive deep, collaborate, co-create year-round with healers, guides, musicians, all in loving awareness.

Learn more about our yoga studio in Northern Virginia and our new Yoga Retreat House called Be Love on Oak Island, NC, you may want to lead your own retreat.

Curious to learn a little more….

WEBSITE: www.mybodyoga.com and www.beloverevolutionretreats.com

INSTAGRAM: @mybodyoga and @beloverevolutionretreats